Where it began, I can't begin to knowin'... January 2, 2023
So today is a holiday (for New Year's being on a Sunday) and we have to travel to NJ. I would say that I get a four day weekend, but chemo isn't so much like a vacation day. (This post interrupted by half and half throwing up on my floor next to me - thought you all should know that).
I sometimes wonder if anyone will ever read all of these. I should go back and read some to see where I have been mentally during the first year of this shit. I know that at first I was really worried. I didn't feel well those first few months. I was just starting the diabetes meds and they fucked with my stomach, I got bloated whenever I ate, my bowels were a mess, and my side hurt like hell. Things actually improved (in some of those systems) during treatment and I got used to some of the shit associated with that first part of treatment. Did a lot of outside work during that time and had some energy. The last few months I have felt week and I know I need to start doing some cardio items and I plan on getting back on track for my indoor gardening now that I seem to be on some level of normalcy. There won't be any surgery again until at least late spring I would guess (as I need to be off chemo for a bit, tumors need to retreat aggressively, etc...). I am nervous about all that. Sometimes, I dream that the tumors grew or spread. It isn't pretty and it scares me. Lately, I just try to think about today and the next few days. It is best to just focus in on what I can control and when I can control it.
Well, I am off to get some items packed and ready for our chemo trip.
I love you all!