LA is fine, sun shines most of the time and the feeling is laid back...

 It is dark in the hotel room.  It is 5:30 on treatment day.  Treatment starts at 7:00 and we should be done by 10:30 or so today provided we get done quickly.  Then we get to do the 3 1/2-hour drive home again.  It is really annoying and I was thinking as I was typing Tiffany's email this morning that it is a bit like Sisyphus.  Just start feeling better and then right back to the bottom of the hill.

I suppose it is the price I have to pay for this disease.  The ileostomy is a constant reminder as well.  I guess there are some times I forget about it.  While I am sitting with Tiffany at night, playing on my computer, and cuddling Speckles I usually fill up and don't even realize it.  I guess at those times I don't think about it.  

The pizza I made the other night has me wanting pizza and even more so practicing the dough process.  I liked using the food processor, it made things much easier.  I don't think I gave the yeast enough time to activate and the water may still have been a little too warm.  I will have to look up the perfect temperature for the yeast.

Well, the typing is probably annoying Tiffany as she is still asleep.

I love you all!


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