I have never taken life, but have often paid the price... January 19, 2023


Well, today marks 1 year since my first bad test.  The infamous ultrasound with signs of metastatic disease.  I was scared from the moment I had read that report.  From that day on it was the waiting game.  Wait for next test, wait for someone to say the word cancer, wait to get treatment... I think you get the drift.

Looking back at this past year, I can say that we've been through a lot.  I built a new raised garden, grew a crap ton of weed (and cherry tomatoes), created a pantry in the back room, rearranged the kitchen some, had surgery, many trips to NJ for treatment, made lots of good food, moved Maeve out of the house (sad and happy all at the same time) - so it was a busy year.  I (we) definitely didn't sit on our hands and lament my situation.  The year has had its ups and downs, but mostly ups.  

I do feel well, I don't have the energy I had back when I first got diagnosed prior to surgery.  The surgery took a lot out of me and being at the end of August kind of stole my last couple of months of warmth while I recovered.  I think some of my lack of energy is the weather.  I really do dislike the cold grey days and the winter rain (or snow at that matter).  I know we need it, just don't like it.  I am going to start growing more herbs in the indoor garden.  I figure since this weekend we will be finally taking the Christmas decorations down, we can move some of the stuff that is in my pantry/garden room to the storage unit as well.  It will be nice to start getting fresh cilantro, etc...  It also gives me a jump start on the herb garden.  By hell or high water, I will get one raised bed built on the side hill and one in the front yard damn it.  I also need to get the rain barrel for the new garden side of the house.

Though I am good with this technology thing, I think I would have also liked to work in a biology field.  I do enjoy the plants.  

Well, late start today as it was bag change day.  Time to get my 1st breakfast in me and take some meds.

Love you all!


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