I can't fight this feeling anymore... January 28, 2023
Bark, bark, bark
I was up twice last night with the dogs so I am incredibly tired this morning. I also slept in the living room recliner after 2:00 AM to try to keep them from barking again and waking up Tiffany. So though I got up around 6:00 AM it wasn't a restful night.
I really don't have anything in my head outside of upcoming scans. I am trying not to dwell on them, but how can you not?
Tiffany and I have a lot of running around to do today and plan on treating ourselves with chicken wings. Now that I think about it, it would have to be our favorite food. We had them the day we got married, we have had them at pretty much every fun activity like watching Sharknado movies, and pretty much any time Tiffany is craving them. This is why I say it has to be our favorite food, no other food has made that many appearances in our lives :)
I need to get some food in me...
I love you all