Baby, baby - Where did our love go? January 30, 2023


Well - today is the day.  Scans.  I am scared, nervous, excited, and hopeful.  I know that thus far I have been beating the curve, but I am a beat the curve kind of guy and I always have been.  Today, I am hopeful that I continue to beat that curve.  I worry sometimes that the dehydration and the lack of nutrients due to the ostomy affect my ability to fight off disease, but we will see.

I don't feel like writing today, but I will admit that I have always been lucky to be a little bit of an overachiever.  I suppose some of that just comes from inside me, my upbringing, etc...  I was very competitive as a kid and used to write "The Greatest" or "#1" on the underside of the brim of my ballcaps to remind myself.  I suppose I excelled a bit in school, sports, the Corps, and work.  Now, I am going to excel on fighting cancer.

Well, lots to do this morning to get ready for the trip (two nights this time).

I love you all!


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