Look at this face, I know the years are showing... January 17, 2023
I'm in that picture, but because it is dark and barely visible. This can only mean that I must be in NJ and Tiffany must still be sleeping :) I know this is only one day, but I am such a home body that I already miss my animals, the warmth of my outback heaters, and the taste of my morning coffee. When we built that addition it was meant to be a family room (theater/TV watching). Now it is man cave and storage, but getting to be more man cave than storage. Once the piano is moved or removed, it will become all man cave.
It is funny, there is so much I want to get done and I understand the sense of urgency. However, I have to quit thinking that I am on death's door. I just read about a guy that is 7 years into stage IV CRC, but I don't think he started out as stage IV so might be a bit different. However, I do have some contacts online that are in year 3 and still quite active.
All of this is why I am so on the edge with the upcoming MRI. If I am stable or shrinking, it gives me more time (we know the reverse of that statement so it isn't worth stating).
It is funny. The other morning I was thinking about the end of this thing if it goes bad (not looking forward to that if it becomes the case). I am not scared to die, don't think I ever have been afraid of that now that I think about it. Suppose that is what makes me so willing to do so many things. I am scared as to what it does to my family and I am not done loving them all yet. I don't do a very good job of the loving part to begin with. Don't get me wrong, I do nice things for them, I take care of them, but I don't necessarily express it very often. I've always been a little closed off emotionally and I have a hard time being vulnerable. Either way, I like taking care of them and I worry about money and insurance, etc... My job is to provide and when I left teaching that was my plan. Now that I got to the point where I can provide for them, I get sick :(
Well, enough of that depressing stuff. Today I get to have poison pumped through my veins - joy! I know I get to have all the fun.
I love you all!