I'm so tired, I haven't slept a wink - October 28, 2022
There is a Beatles song for every occasion... Nala won't sleep passed 3:30 AM as there is some animal that keeps waking her up. So I am here writing this blog at 4AM because once I am up, I am up. I would like to blame this - "I'm Up" attitude my body has on the Marine Corps and discipline, but honestly I have never been much of a sleeper.
So I go up, put the dogs out, got stoned and now I am drinking a cup of coffee, listening to the Beatles, and writing this blog to you. And for the record, Why My Guitar Gently Weeps is one of my most favorite Beatles' song.
I felt pretty good yesterday. I didn't have amazing energy (dogs, up to early), but I didn't feel super sick and my blood sugar was pretty stable other than when I had the mini-ice cream cone. Now with the scans scheduled, I will be nervous about the results until we get them. This is honestly the worst part of cancer. All of the anxiety and depression that revolve around wait and see. Totally understand the reasons, chemo takes time, but I still can hate. Time seems to stand still until you get the results. Cancer Groundhog's Day...
I worry about Tiffany and all the stress she is under with not just me, but her parents aging, concern for the kids, etc... She carries her burdens well, but you can tell they are weighing on her.
Well, I have to cap off the weed - burping done early today...
I love you all!