I heard there was a secret cord that David played and it pleased the Lord. October 18, 2022
I suppose I could add more throughout the day shots or some other picture. I did think that by posting a similar pose you might be able to see changes in me over time (like the 35 pounds I lost since starting this blog). It was not planned that I would have Christmas colors this morning. You will notice that the bum changed his t-shirt, but not quite the time for the sweatshirt.
It is cold this morning and there was a frost again. It is just a matter of time until every morning is below freezing :( - This makes me sad. I don't like the crazy hot (upper 80's humidity), but don't like the extreme cold either. I guess I am a bit of moderation man. I still have to get that UV Happy Light out - seriously it is on the storage dresser next to my desk I sit at every morning. You think it would not be so hard for me to accomplish this massive feat of moving it and plugging it in.
Things are going well, I have an eating schedule that seems to be helping with the blood sugar. When I need a snack, which is often with the ostomy bag, I grab the right high protein low-carb snack (I'd say treat, but let's face it, a mozzarella cheese stick isn't really a "treat"). I do try and squeeze in a nice treat midday (small ice cream, bowl of Franken Berries (not kidding - impulse buy from Target. Like eating your childhood with a side of diabetes).
On the pain side it is mostly annoying healing pain now (spurts on pain on the incision lines, etc...). My head seems clearer and I have had a lot more energy the last couple of days now that I am sleeping better. So all in all, I'm good. Now on to the treatment and wait crap.
Tomorrow, I am back to working full days from home. I am looking forward to it and not. I have so enjoyed just spending time with Tiffany, but working may put my mind on something other than my cancer. I try not to think about it, but it now invades my every thought.
- How long do I have?
- Had the cancer already moved somewhere they aren't looking?
- Is my liver getting better?
- Should I just have a fucking beer?
- etc... etc... etc...
Don't get me wrong, I get some respites. They are not very often though.
Luckily, I just took a huge hit of some of my homegrown and I am about to babble. So I guess I will decided what I am having for 2nd breakfast :)
I love you all!