Baby, I'm amazed at the way you love me all the time - October 15, 2022


Much more obvious t-shirt change today.  

It is cold again this morning, but is supposed to be 68 degrees.  I still haven't taken out the UV light yet and need to do that.  This not getting light until 7ish thing does not work for me.  I don't mind the evening getting dark a little earlier, but the late winter 4:30 PM dark skies stuff is for the birds.

So yesterday was a pretty good day.  Got another large chunk of bud harvested (Yes, there is still more bud - some of them have gotten better the longer I have waited).  Felt ok most of the day, had energy in the morning, was a little clearer in the head.  Today I feel even better.  Hopefully, it lasts longer than yesterday (I got to about 2-3 and was feeling a little tired and sick).

Sometimes I wonder if I had gotten to a point where I just ignored feeling less than 100%.  I started doing that with work a long time ago.  I would go when I didn't feel up to it, work late when I was already getting dizzy and lightheaded.  All this was long before I had cancer.  I was on a "good retirement over-work autopilot".  It had become so important to me that Tiffany and I have a good retirement and the monies to do for our kids now that I forgot about a lot of the other things I was supposed to be doing.  Examples: taking care of the house, improving our personal lives, loving my children, cooking, and "being there".

So I am going to try and make today a little better than yesterday (see I have already written more ;) ).

Ok - about time to make some food and take my meds

I love you all!


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