Here we are. In a room full of strangers... October 30, 2022
I should say that I am stoned out of my gourd. I have to test the bud when I think it is at the point it could be smoked. So I am just taking one for the team :)
Unfortunately, one of the storms blew down my labels for which bushes were which strain. For the most, I know plant one on the left was GSK (Girl Scout Kookie), the next two were most likely BBR/2 (Blueberrry), and the fourth one was most likely BBK (Bruce Banner). With the fifth plant being a hybrid seed Matt gave me. I think I got a cutting from that one so I may be able to propagate it.
Next season I am only doing 3 plants in the side raised bed. The three BBR, BBR2, BBK would have had a lot more room and pruning would have been easier.
See how the gardening takes my mind off things.
Well - off to eat and medicate.
I love you all!