You so far away... Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore? August, 3 2022


So day one of treatment 11 in the books.  Wasn't so bad.  The big this is the dogs not letting me sleep and the big gray cat.  He was  licking and biting my head most of the evening.  Which I discover was punishment for the munchy crunchy bowl being slightly low (it must be full) - once I added some kibble to the bowl and dripped the sink he left me alone (that will be tonight's routine).  

I took a panorama of my messy man cave/storage room.  Figured I'd give you some as semblance where I used to spend the bulk of my time.  And this is only a little bit of the 27L x 16 w space.  It serve's us well. I am in the living room now I think more often. Hanging with Tiffany and Maeve (when she graces us with her presence) 

The stomach isn't as bad this morning (as of yet).  I didn't eat any meat yesterday so that may have helped (no heavy protein meat substances either.).  I only did a little bit of sugar (trying to avoid the sweets again).  Thus far I feel good.  If there is no BM today I will take the enema path after dinner and get the flow going (joy!).

I know I don't talk about the surgery often, but I am terrified.  I know however that it is the only statistically feasible path to a possible cure or to remove enough cancer from my body so that chemo can give me 5 to 8 years.  We will see.  I want more time with Tiffany.

On that note I am off to water the garden since it will be 90 today.  Close up the house for AC and try to stay comfortable.  I have an after hours with Jamie at HHS brewing.  Will be nice to have a beer.

I love you all!


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