Tell me why your crying, my son... August 13, 2022


I know, I am wearing the same sweatshirt, but it is the next day.  It is 45 degrees outside so the sweatshirt needed to be put on over my T again.

It is a messed up country at the moment.  It really is all I could think about yesterday.  The president may have sold US secrets to another country - that is some fucked up shit - and still half the country supports him, is willing to kill for him.  What have we come to in this country?  I blame education, lack of critical thinking skills, and the damn entertainment approach to the news.  Our ignorance will be our demise.

Anyway, good day yesterday.  I had to work and Tiffany got the mowing done.  As soon as the sun comes up I am going to get the trim done.  I need to exercise more before my surgery so I am going to get my ass in gear every day - doing something either actual exercise or yard work, but I will sweat every day and do something for my cardio health.

I put some infused coconut oil in the coffee this morning so I will be feeling real good in about an hour.  I am still really dry, between the drugs for my sugar, and the cancer, I can't drink enough water/liquid.  I drank at least 60 ounces of liquid yesterday (that doesn't include milk) and I am still so thirsty this morning.

Well, I should get around and ready to get some work done.

I love you all!


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