We all want something beautiful... Man, I wish I was beautiful. August 10, 2022

 Tiffany and Maeve are home!!!  It was so nice just to sit and spend time with them.  I missed them so much while they were gone to Tennessee.  I am really tired this morning.  The week took a bit out of me.  I was able to get the kitchen mostly done and that went over pretty well.  I still to get this room in order, it gets all the stuff that moves from other rooms.

My bowels are still a pain, but it is taking longer and longer for them to recover from chemo.  Treatment 12 is next week so I need to make the best of this week.  I am going to try and not get stoned every day at 5, it will be hard as that is what makes me hungry enough to eat with my stomach so sore.  Catch 22 as then I overeat and my stomach gets sore...  so much fun.  Being stoned also just chills me out, I don't think about the cancer and the upcoming surgery as much.

I can't believe that we are already in the second week of August.  This year is just flying by and I need it to slow down.  I would like to milk every second of every day, but it is hard when you work most of the day and are trying to get other things in order.  As it is, this week I need to clean my bedroom so that there is room for me to rest comfortably (other than sleep).  I am not sure what recovery looks like, but I need to start researching there so I understand.  

I found some videos of people that have been through it so I am going to watch those to see how things go for others and understand their recovery to get a better idea of mine.  Found a video of a woman who definitely went through what I am going through.  The surgery recovery seems to be ok, but their survival rate isn't pretty :(

Well gonna get to work...

Love you all!


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