Wake up wake up, you sleepy head... August 4, 2022


Late start this morning - really late.  With Tiffany off to Tennessee, I can't keep the dogs up as late as she does and then get up at a reasonable hour for work and gardening.  Damn dogs (Nala) got up at 2:45, 4:00, and then I just slept in the recliner until 6:30 AM.  

I accidentally threw away the filter holder for the coffee machine yesterday.  I can't tell Tiffany that or she'd never leave me alone again.  My brain is a little swimmy during this treatment.  It gets worse every time.

I have a surgery date (Aug 31).  It looks like we are go for liver, ball bladder, and colon.  That is a lot of shit to get ripped out of your body, but If I am going to beat this, it is necessary.

Well I only have a little time today as I have to get to the hospital and get disconnected.

I love you all!


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