What did you think, I would do at this moment? August 8, 2022
Well, it's Monday again and I need to do some work, for work. I've been less productive than normal, but my less productive is probably someone else's full day. I suppose that is why I did have some modicum of success. I really have known only work most of my life. I don't really know how to relax (other than watch a movie and even then I get up at least two times unless we are in a theater).
I tried to get more done while Tiffany was gone, but treatment week is rough. I can only do so much before I get really tired and most of the week I was working. Though I am working from home now, it still requires my attention so it's not like I can run off and clean the entire back room or Maeve's room. Don't get me going on Maeve's room.
I am really tired today. The dogs (Nala) keep waking me up at 2 AM. It is hard for me to get back to sleep and then I don't want to get up. Doesn't help that we are moving into the dark months. Used to be light by 6 now it is still pretty dark at 5:30.
Well, time to get at it.
I love you all!