You can tell the world about this, you can tell the nation about that... Aug 17, 22

Well, I am trying to work on a family (full) and your blog at the same time.  We will see how that goes.  Nala got me up at 3:00 AM so what the hell! It took me much longer to do that than I expected.  Will have to remember that.

It is treatment number 12.  I was pretty sick yesterday, but the weed helped finished the day pretty good - fell asleep quickly, but didn't sleep well.  Nala got up at 3 so that resulted in me getting up way too early.  Got a new blog done just for the family around the surgery items.

Anyhow things are well here.  I need to get to breakfast and garden upkeep.  Sorry this blog got cut short by the other blog.

I love you all!


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