This is a man's world... August 9, 2022


I suppose if anything, everyone will have a picture of me from everyday sitting in the same chair, in the same room, with the same dubious (dumb ass) look on my face.  I started this to see if there is any real change in how I look.  So I looked back at March 8th and my physical appearance (at least my face) looks the same.  Not sure if how I feel was different, but I other than the hue of the colored lights in my office (ironically Hue lights), I don't look much different.  I suppose my face doesn't show the blotchiness in the picture as much.  Either way, I should note that I don't look or appear much different.  By March I had already lost nearly 20 pounds so the change was from late Jan to Mar.

Tiffany comes home today, I can't wait.  I have missed her and Maeve so much.  I find myself having full conversations with the dogs :)  It isn't so bad, they always agree with me.  Except about food, they always think they I have food.  Either way, I will be so happy when she is back home.  It took me 22 years (we will be in the house for 22 years come September) to realize that I truly cannot live without her.

I hope she likes what I have done to the kitchen, we will see.  It seems cramps, but it is easier to get to things.  I have spent the last few days working and cooking in the kitchen so I can contest - it is easier and there isn't as much shit on the floor.  The stuff on the floor drives me nuts.

Well, I need to get a few things done before work and they get home.

I love you all!


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