Where have all the flowers gone... July 25, 2022
I look purple because the Hue lights are set to Nebula scene. You may find this hard to believe that I don't have any planned entries (this is sarcastic if you don't pick up on that). I just sit down and type. My stomach is still a little rough today, but I feel a bit better. I am still amazingly tired. I got up at 6 only because I feel lazy if I don't get up early and the morning is my "me" time and it is when I have the most energy.
I have been taking this daily pictures to see if there is any real change in me from March until now. It shows me in my natural element as well. I have spent a lot of time at this desk over the last 15 years or so. I'd have to think about when the room was done and when I made it this way (I used to sit on the other side of the room 10 years ago or so where those hexagon lights are behind me). Either way, I have spent a lot of time out here.
Yesterday was a down day again, but I did get the kitchen cleaned up some when I had energy in the morning. I have been trying to pick at messes one by one. It is hard as we have years of messes. After that, I played VR most of the day (Zombieland headshot fever) - it was pretty fun and an escape from reality (isn't that what VR is for). Either way I felt ok yesterday other than the usual pain from the clogged pipes.
Well, time to get to breakfast as I didn't have to water the plants today as IT FINALLY RAINED! Here is a picture of a very delicate purple flower that popped up yesterday in the flower garden: