I get knocked down, but I get up again! July 29, 2022
Well, Friday of non-treatment week. Starting to feel a bit normal and not so sick to my stomach, you know I get like three days of feeling human! I got outside this morning and finished the make-shift trellis for the grapes.
The little garden area is coming along and I think that it will provide a nice veggie garden for Tiffany and I come retirement. You read that right. I am doing all of this with the knowledge I am going to beat this thing or have enough time (longevity) with treatment us to enjoy my yard. I put it off for so long and I had all these ideas in my head, but was too lazy or something was always more important (usually work), etc...
I didn't realize how depressed I was the last few years working for Corning. I should have switched out earlier, but I was so worried about having enough money for us. Especially once Tiffany left work, it was really important to me that the girls stayed at a certain level of living. However, I give them more money now, make less, and have more time so the thought that we wouldn't make it was all off-base.
Either way, time to get to my breakfast.
I love you all!