It never rains in California... July 18, 2022


So it is Monday of treatment week number 10.  This may be my last treatment for a while as I will be having surgery on my liver at the end of August.  I am pretty scared about having half of my liver removed, but I suppose they do this surgery all the time (for donations, liver cancers, etc...).  So I know I am in good hands at Sloan, I just get worried.

I am more worried about Tiffany, she seemed so blah this weekend.  I am not helping as I sat on my ass most of the weekend as well.  I need to start being more energetic to inspire everyone.  It is hard to believe that it has been over 6 months that I have known about my illness.  I am sure this will go on for years, but such is the nature of cancer.

If I have learned one thing - it is "Be a goldfish" - thank you Ted Lasso.  Everyday is another chance to make a difference in my house, to my wife, and to my kids.  I really have learned how deeply I care for all of them.

Well, got a late start today and it finally rained a bit!!!

I love you all!


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