There's a light that never goes out... April 29, 2022

 I really do have to start taking pictures during the day or something so it isn't just me sitting at my home office desk with the same sweatshirt on every day.  At least if if would warm up for more than one day I could have a T on or something.  

It is really cold (by spring standards) this morning.  It's only 25 degrees outside.  I don't like the cold, I mean I don't mind looking at the cold days from in front of a warm fireplace, but I don't like the cold.  At least the sun has started shinning and things are turning green.  In fact, we will be mowing this weekend.  

Below is a picture I took yesterday of a blossom on the Bradford pear tree in the front yard. I really do like when it starts to warm up and everything flowers.  

 The flowers will be all white once they open, but I like catching them at this stage as they have so much potential.

I didn't feel well yesterday.  It is probably the first time during treatment that I really felt sick.  I was so nauseous and didn't really feel like eating, but I shoved the food down all the same as that is what I have to do to get through this and be around for my family.  I have to maintain my strength, my hope, and take the love they give me to stay above this.

Time to get to work (well, get on the exercise bike).

Love you all!


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