2:27 AM - April 21, 2022


And you may find yourself up at 2:27 AM, and you may find yourself letting the dog out, and you may ask yourself, "What did that dog eat?" Damn! 

I was driving to work yesterday and pulling up the hill on Greenbush.  At the right time of the morning, at the right time of year, the sun is rising right on that road, in your face as you drive up the hill.  Yesterday was one of those days.  It wasn't super cold 39 or so and the sun was very warm.  

You always hear what people think heaven is.  I know what heaven is, it is right here on earth living with and loving my wife and raising my children, it's simple.  I kind of hope though that the afterlife is filled with the feeling my heaven gives me, a strong sense of hope and bliss.  Driving up the hill into that bright morning lemon sun, I understand why I am a morning person.  I love dawn, the warm sun just above the horizon, a promise of the day and in spring there is just this feeling that this could be the day.  I feel so much joy on a warm spring morning, standing outside with my coffee trying to block out all sounds but the birds.  I have to think that my afterlife heaven is perpetually feeling that hope of a new day.  

I feel like that everyday now.  No, I am not running around yelling, "carpe diem", but I am also not just looking for some point in time in the future.  I am living everyday and when I hit the dawn of the next day, I feel blessed and hopeful.  Blessed because I found my heaven right here amongst the mess and I live everyday on the edge of hope.  

There are worse places and worse situations that I could be in right now.

I love you all


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