Well, today is the last day of treatment 2. Only 4 more treatments to go until half way and possibly 2 more to start seeing some new scans. I'm pretty hopeful. Other than the bowel issue with constipation and cramping post steroids and treatment, I have felt pretty good. The pain in my side isn't as bad as it was pre-treatment, but what do I know until we see the tumors, the waiting is a real pain.
I didn't sleep so well the night before last, but only got up once last night so much better. I felt like I slept well at least. I feel a little shaky today, but that is most likely the steroids.
I drove myself to to work yesterday, I tried to give Tiffany a little break from it. I find the steroids make me a bit more agitated then usual. Maybe just a bit more snappy or short. I need to try and control that as things are tense her all the same.
This weekend I am going to try and clean Maeve's room. I want her to me more comfortable in the house and I really think if we could get a pattern/place she would be. She's not very helpful with the cleaning, but I know that is a sign of things with her. I also wish I could help Gusty more. I know that they both want places of their own and we just can't afford that now.
If it wasn't for the cancer, I was going to sneakily build a 3 car garage with an upstairs living space. It would have either been for them or Tiffany and I so they could have the house. Just need to make sure both places are do friendly. I do love these dogs - they are so sweet to me in the morning and other than when they are really in zoom mode, they seem to understand I am not quite up to being dog piled.
Well, it is time to get to work.
Love you all!