Monday, Monday... March 28, 2022


So I did clean this room up a bit yesterday (you can't see from this angle as I spent most to the time on the desk.  I looks much better.  I have a new thought mantra I referred to yesterday.  There is no tumor.  Until such time it seriously impacts my ability to be me - I am being me!  Now mind you, I am still eating better and not really drinking, but from an activity perspective.  I'm not taking this shit lying down!

I worked Saturday caring ladders etc.  Yesterday, I cleaned the crap out of stuff and today I am not going to just come home and sit.  I am going to continue to pick up this back office.  

We ate as a family as the table twice this weekend, went out and bought new furniture for the living room and Maeve and I went to Best Buy.  Felt amazingly normal and I didn't think about cancer during much of any of it.  It was some good days.

I love you all!!!


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