March 25, 2022 - where was the title dude!

I know, I have an issue with changing my sweatshirt.  Soon it will be t-shirt season and this will not be an issue.  I am feeling good again today.  I have had a lot of calories in the last couple of days (not extreme, but at least near the normal human amount) and I am feeling good.  I guess I know to keep those pipes moving come the next round of treatment.

Yesterday was a pretty decent day.  I drove myself to work, realized my inspection was up (it was due 7/8 months ago), and played some bowling with Tiffany.  I am trying to keep things normal at home.  I get tired at the end of the day, but I will try to make this weekend a little more active to see if I can help with Tiffany's depression.  I know she is with all that is going on with me, her dad, the kids.  She carries a lot on her shoulders.

I started a OneNote writing notebook - I am not being unfaithful to this blog, I just get a lot of writing ideas and I let them disappear.  At least this way when I think of them, I can write them down.  It has led to some decent LinkedIn posts that give me some professional exposure.  I am going to try and write the "Sorry, you're not an instant winner" book I had always talked about, but instead with my new perspective I plan on writing about the fact that you are an instant winner.  Just being here, its a win.  What you do with it is all up to you.  My perspective on life has changed - immensely.

Well, I need to get on the exercise bike.

I love you all so much!




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