So I have a different sweatshirt on!  I guess that is progress.  I have completed round one of chemo.  Not too much complication.  The steroid crash is starting to hit this morning and I'm a little tired.  Not that any one wants to read this, but had horrible constipation with this first round.  Worst I have ever had - however, some meds over night seemed to help.

I suppose as I progress through this disease I will have far worse things to deal with.

I worry about my family all the time.  It is funny how I really don't think about what is going to happen to me or how I might suffer.  It drags far more on me the items that my family will have to deal with especially if I don't improve with chemo.  I try to stay active and not ask to be too big of a burden.  At times I just don't feel well in the afternoon so I need a bit of help with things and I can't just rush out and do manual labor outside as I would have in the past.  This depresses me as I am used to getting things done.

I've been trying to think as to when I bring in my friend group.  I don't really want people to give me sympathy as I don't need that and I don't want them to think they have to do things.  I just think it is wrong to not tell them especially since I haven't been active in our group or pushing to meet up (as I normally would).  Maybe I will look for a non-treatment week to have a get together and plan something out.  I will talk to my friend Jamie and see what his thoughts are.

Maeve has been talking about going to school for Computer Science and I am so happy about that.  She likes technology and she would be really good at it.  It is a job you are starting to be able to do from home and she may find, like me, that she can do the tech job and still enjoy playing with technology.

I need to cut this morning short, got up late due to the bowel movements all night.  

I love you all!l



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