March 6, 2022

 Feeling a little lightheaded this morning.  Still I road the stationary bike for 20 minutes so I am keeping up my trend of getting up and stretching (yoga) and then exercising.  I have been having some pain in my chest, but I think that is just the stress of knowing that I am about 1 week away from starting chemo.

The chemo they are giving me is for colorectal cancer, but is associated with prolonging life but not curing my cancer.  I am going to fight like hell to be the statistical anomaly that beats this thing.  Thank God for my family as I am not certain I would not fight as hard for myself as I will for them.

It is supposed to be 67 degrees today so I am looking forward to getting outside.  It wasn't nice enough to get out yesterday and clean up the dog messes, but I will get to that earlier this morning.  It is already 40+ degrees outside so I am looking forward to having some windows open today.

Squirt is currently sleeping on my right arm.

He is such a baby.  I don't have my camera to take his picture from the front (I used the computer camera to take this one).  He is kneading my arm and purring so load.  I think the animals know I am sick.  they have been treating me differently.  The dogs tend to guard me a bit more aggressively, even from each other.  I suppose I should start adding some pictures/media to this blog.  Maybe I will try to record the song I used to sing to the kids at bed time.  Not sure I will be able to get through it without crying.

Well, my 15 minutes is up.  I resisted getting stoned after exercise to keep my head a little clear.  I enjoy the numbness of being stoned, but I will wait a bit.  My stomach is a little sore this morning so I may need the weed to feel hungry.

I love you all so very much.


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