Mother mother ocean... June 6, 2022
Monday morning... I love that song from Jimmy Buffett - Pirate looks at 40. It always makes me smile as it plays on the Old Key West bus all the time when we are in Disney. Makes me remember all the times we spent together there. I miss my little girls, the ones that got excited about fireworks or when you made pancakes for breakfast on vacation.
Spent a lot of time in a chair yesterday, but probably overdid on the landscaping on Saturday. However, I love how the tree and the generator area are coming along. Like I have said before, the garden and the landscaping will outlast me regardless of whether I succumb to the cancer. It is just my little way of leaving more. Kind of like this blog. In fact, any one of you could take my infoworks mail and keep this alive long after I am gone.
I am a little late this morning as I chose to walk around the yard first this morning. I really love our little spot of land.
Well - gotta run to get ready.
Love you all!