Hello darkness my old friend... June 11, 2022

 I need to change the sweatshirt.  The song isn't really there for the theme of Sound of Silence.  It is more so that I was singing it to my cat.  "Hello Speckles my old friend, you're here to sneeze on me again".  So now the song is stuck in my head and the cat didn't even sneeze on me (which is somewhat strange as she sneezes on me every morning - I'm like her cat Kleenex).

So treatment 7 is in the books, I feel a little sick this morning.  Going to power through it, get some more work done on the raised beds, do some yard work, etc...  So much to do, so little time (never really realized how true that statement is).

Not feeling much like writing this morning.  I will take some pictures of the raised gardens, etc... when they get all their flowers going.  

Well - off to get some stuff from Lowe's.

I love you all!


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