I just wanna stop... May 15, 2022
I'm actually typing this on my laptop today because I have totally cleaned off my desk for a rearrangement. Unfortunately, I am exhausted and don't feel like doing anything. I should be a little better than yesterday as I got a bit of sleep and rested most of the day yesterday. Sometimes, I just can't find the right food/activity combination to get my ass in gear. This was one of those weekends.
Tiffany still isn't very recovered from surgery, and I worry about her. She isn't taking very good care of herself, and I don't have the energy or mental faculties to do it all at the moment. I should just buckle up and start making dinner etc every night, but there are just some days that my body will cooperate with me.
I'm going to cut this morning short as I want to get the body moving and see how I feel. I also got up really late and need to miss the rain for some outside work.
I love you all!