Does anyone really know what time it is. May 23, 2022


I didn't post yesterday - big woops on my part.  I went outside to have coffee with the dog and then lost track of the day.  We went to brewery with some friends.  It was nice to just be out of the house with people that didn't know I had terminal cancer.  We talked about my old work place got caught up a bit and I had about a pint and 1/2 of beer (flight and one 1/2 pint).  It was nice.  Tiffany was a little frustrated with the drive.  I think she is also on pins and needles about Tuesday, but I will get to that in tomorrow's note.

Here I am yesterday when I was working on the yard and the garden.  I cleaned up the herb garden to accommodate some sunflowers and I put solar lights in the lilac arch I have been growing for 10+ years.  I still need to add the bridge and stairs for that arch, but it took me long enough.

I really do enjoy gardening.  I wish I had focused on it more.  Something about helping things grow.  I almost said making there, but that's not how it works.  It really is more a symbiotic relationship.  I help the plants grow and in turn the plants give me beauty, food, purpose, etc... Somewhat like children, minus the food... Unless your a mommy alligator and then the food is back on the table.

With the trip to the brewery and the nice quiet Sunday, it was a good weekend.

I love you all!


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