Gonna wash the dust off my soul, May 13, 2022
Yes there is a bunny desk chair behind me (removed from my daughter's room as she got a new chair) and my face is all red. This is a new gift from my treatment along with a bit of neuropathy in my finger tips. Makes typing fun - not.
So Tiffany had to spend the night in the hospital after her procedure due to some breathing issues. I get worried that she isn't taking very good care of herself. I need to start being more active about dinner and such. I don't really have an appetite most evenings and she historically is more of a dinner eater. By the time we get to dinner I am so packed up from the day that nothing sounds good. To be honest if I wasn't stoned most evenings, I wouldn't eat.lk
I am running late today as I am taking the day off from work and so I laid in bed a little longer than normal so this will be short. Lots to get done!
Love you all!