There is no political solution - to our troubled evolution... November 19, 2022


We are spirits in the material world... 

I did not enjoy going to work this week.  I really don't like people.  I am not certain how long I have had this disdain for others, but it didn't start in the pandemic.  I honestly just prefer to be alone except for my family.  This is such a nature vs nurture thing.  Is it long times alone as a child that made me comfortable with long periods of isolation from others?  Who knows... either way I would prefer not to talk to my co-workers at all or most anyone other than my immediate family.

I have been getting somewhat paranoid about what my prognosis is.  I suppose I am not so stupid to read all the stats, others experiences, and current suffers blogs, to know that most likely next year (6 months) things could turn to the bad.  People with my condition get 2-5 years.  They had some lower numbers in the most recent stats, but those are outliers and most likely the very elderly.  I am coming up on year one in Jan so I am getting a little scared.  

However, I remain positive and upbeat.  I really don't know if I could just mope around and feel sorry for myself.  I never wanted that kind of attention my whole life.  I would rather make someone laugh, smile, etc...  

Well, it is time to get some food.

I love you all!


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