I feel uptight on a Saturday night... November 14, 2022


I know, title...  I am listening to the Stranger Things 4 soundtrack on LP (for you young ones, those are those big black CDs, and for the really young ones, fuck I'm old).  I really like the stereo and wish I had a bit more time to enjoy it, but I guess that makes the time I do a little bit better. [Insider note:  This post has been interrupted 6 times.  Yes, those few sentences.  Dogs...  They can be so helpful]  I think the draw is connecting me to a time when I was younger.  The music is clearer if the album is good quality.  A lot of the "only at this store" records I have been getting seem to be a bit washed out and lack that clear wall of sound you expect from an analog record.

Tiffany and ran around a lot this weekend.  It was nice to spend time with her even if it was just shopping and taking the car to get the tires swapped.  Oh, and did I time that to the last minute!

I kind of spent a good 2+ hours in my room today.  Not like that, I was sorting through clothes which I had not done in some time.  I donated some jeans that don't fit (still too tight so I am not as thin as I was when I lost weight the last time - I am losing muscle on this round and still have a small belly - not that I can pull my pants past the belly - damn ostomy bag).

So I haven't had any bag blowouts since I stopped wearing the smaller best that came with the supplies from Sloan.  The belt I got online is far more stabilizing and the bag can't swing around when I roll over.  I'm trying to consciously sleep on my back, but once I am sleeping I just immediately roll over.  The body wants, what the body wants!

Well - gotta flip the album!

I love you all! 


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