I need someone, a person to talk to... November 25, 2022


Again - song lyrics are stuck in my head.  I had the "they do it all the time" line stuck in my head this morning for some reason.

Anyhow, Thanksgiving was great.  I spent the whole day watching Christmas movies with Tiffany and I she made a yummy dinner of turkey, potatoes, and gravy.  I really enjoyed it.  The only thing that would have made it better would have been if Gusty and Wyatt could have been here too.  I suppose not having cancer would have made it better as well ;)

I hate to say it, but who knows if I will even be around for the next one.  I wonder at times if that goes through Tiffany's head as well.  I suppose it does.  I think that way about the world cup.  I am not so sure I will be here for the next one, I hope I will and I am positive about my chances for the time being.

Today we are going to watch the US play England in group play.  I am so hopeful that we could pull out a win.  What a wonderful thing it would be for me to see such an upset in probably the last world cup I will ever watch.  I know that it is a long shot, but it would be amazing!

Well - I need to burp the lids and make Maeve some cinnamon roles :)

I love you all!


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