My child arrived just the other day... November 2, 2022
I think every adult somewhat connects to Cats in the Cradle's lyrics. I spent a lot of time over the last 11 or so years working. Working hard, putting it before other things, etc... I mean I think about the BBQs etc..., but work invaded my every thought. Honestly, I worked out on the deck drinking beer with Tiffany at night (Tiffany wasn't drinking beer, she was drinking wine :) ). However, I worked, I always worked.
I somewhat hate myself for it, but I suppose it is what allowed Tiffany and I to do the stuff for the kids and ourselves that we have (honestly, she worked as hard as I did).
It is a funny little world they capture you in here in America.
- You must have these things in order to be happy
- You need money for those things
- To make money you must work
- To get those things you have to work hard
- Working hard will be rewarded
- No harder will be rewarded
- No just a little harder
and so on, and so on
I shouldn't complain as we are blessed beyond many, but all of that is somewhat of a facade. It just takes one life altering experience during a downturn in the market to scare the living I didn't work hard enough out of you. It is just horrible that we have to live like this. Tiffany and I worked our entire lives. Hell, I've worked since I was 11, fucking 11 and still terrified of retirement. You know I think sometimes the extremely wealthy think that folks like me that want to retire are lazy as they generally keep up their "work" appearance well into their late years, but their work is dealing with their investment opportunities, board seats, and public appearances to bolster one of the previous items (this really is "I want to do this" stuff - like when someone retires). We, the what used to be 9 to 5ers prior to the ability to contact us anywhere, want to stop the daily repetitive rat maze at some point and do some of that - what I want to do stuff.
Ok - guy who just wants to retire will stop ranting. I need to have my 1st breakfast all the same (I am a Hobbit without the hairy feet).
I love you all!