All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey... November 26, 2022


My coffee is cold already and my hands are freezing.  I am not a fan of cold weather.  The song in the title made me think about something.  You can't really dream about a place without having been there.  Here I am in the cold with my Happy UV Light wishing it was a little warmer and I thought about California.  I have lived in couple places in California for short period of times and travelled a lot of the state as well.  I could imagine a nice warm morning in San Diego, I can dream about it.  

All that makes me realize I have had some advantages in life, I guess not advantages but rather opportunities.  I have been to every state or at least drove through, several foreign countries, and lived in Hawaii.  It is funny, because I still feel I need to see more of the world.  I want to see the Eiffel Tower in person, walk in Dublin, see the coast of Greece, etc.. etc...  Funny as our mortality stares us in the face we immediately think about the right now and stop living in the past and the future.  When I take a moment, I begin to realize I'm not done living, but I have lived and I think realizing that is important for me.  I have had opportunities and I have taken advantage of many of those opportunities.  I am all the better for it.

Well, time to burp the jars... ;)

I love you all!


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