Well, I'll be damned. Here comes your ghost again... February 17, 2023

Yes, I usually wear the same sweatshirt for a couple days :)

I am starting to get a little nervous (well, not starting, but showing) about the surgery.  I can't believe that in a month I may no longer have a hockey puck under my skin on the left side, no shit bag on the right, and possibly no cancer in my liver - my God...  

I have been gaining a lot of weight lately which is strange as I was really light the last time I was weighed at the Montvale office.  According to our scale, I am up to 202 which is a little heavy.  My ostomy wraps are getting tight and uncomfortable, but to be honest, I really feel like I have to poop and if I could just do that I would feel better.  God the bloating feeling scares the shit out of me that colon cancer has returned.  I am not certain if  you would get bloated when you don't have food going through your colon, but who knows.  I suppose I have just been over-eating with 1st and 2nd breakfast.  I will try just eating a little bit this morning and see how that goes.

I have to think of what I can do to repay the cosmos if all that comes to fruition.  I know part of it is loving my family more than I ever have, being a better friend, but there should be more.  Yes, more, I just don't know what it is yet, but I will figure it out.  

I spent most of the day yesterday just going through the motions at this computer.  I was online so work could chat with me, but that was about it.  I played a bit with my virtual systems, thought about my old games and then didn't have the drive to get them up and running.  I should just re-purpose the big blue system as an old Windows XP or Windows 7 system, but I don't think I really care that much at the moment.  I am trying to make a virtual work, but I need a real CDROM in the computer not a USB one.  This is proving to be a bit problematic and I don't feel like putting a CD into my daily rig.  So most likely, I will build out the old system (currently a steam OS box that I don't use) and then move the VM to my gaming system once I have it built.

I know this is boring for the none geeks and probably boring for the geeks, but this is what I did all day yesterday.  I probably won't be very productive today either.  

Well, I should do something about food, etc...

I love you all!


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