Shyness is nice and shyness can stop you... February 22, 2023

So I told Tiffany this morning (via daily email) that all I can think of is the upcoming surgery.  It isn't like I dwell on it, but it does seem to invade my thoughts as I roll through the day.  I have very little motivation to do anything that requires thought - I would prefer just to do some physical items, tire out my body, and move on.  I suppose that helps get the endorphins running and it mellows my brain.  I have always liked a nice hard days work - sometimes difficult to get me motivated, I have a hard time stopping until I am physically exhausted.

I have all but decided that if I get through this cancer I am going to find some work that stimulates me, at least until retirement and then I may just sub or volunteer.  Tiffany brought up teaching the other day and I would enjoy that, but the salary is no where near the point I would need to support the family, but wouldn't it be nice to work with another generation of children and get my summers off (I have never been one to not point out what a great benefit that is).  However, at my best I was only bringing in 60K as a teacher plus some added items for stipends.  It wasn't very lucrative, but I think we were happy all the same.  At the time however, Tiffany was bringing in nearly 100k so we had a commensurate salary with my single salary now.  

So teaching would require some serious sacrifice on the part of everyone.  I could find some volunteer opportunities in education I would assume or adult education opportunities.  Who knows, any extra work puts me outside of the house and then I would miss Tiffany :( - I have to find something that stimulates the brain and makes me feel like I have given something back.  I know I did with 12 years of students, but what should I do now to feel like I have value outside my house, does that matter?  It is a pretty good question honestly.  So many think about adding value to their lives, but rarely do they look inside their own home for that reward.

Well, I should make some breakfast and I need to take a shower today because I am a bum.

I love you all!


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