My love... There's only you in my life... February 14, 2023

 Yes, I am cold so I have a blanket around me.  I actually have this heated throw over my head as I didn't bring a beanie and it is cold next to the AC in the room.  As you can/can't see we are in NJ again.  This is the last chemo before surgery.  I can't believe that I have 2 weeks of chemo recovery, 2 weeks of no chemo, and then surgery.  It is closer than I think.

I am so nervous that they won't get it all or that I will have to have 2 surgeries.  I suppose I will deal with what life throws at me, but I sure would like to just have the one surgery and get it all.  I really hope that the small tumors disappeared, etc...  It is something to hope for.

I guess we will only know once they are in there.  I think sometimes I get even more nervous of concerned about Tiffany haven't to spend so much time in NYC by herself.  I mean she comes to visit me, but other than that she is alone.  I worry about her.  I think NYC is safe, I worry about her having to burden all these items herself.  She has been so selfless the last year, she is an amazing woman.

Tiffany and I had dinner at Fire and Oak yesterday.  It wasn't very good.  She didn't like her lobster ravioli and I was so-so on the Mahi.  I should have stuck with something simpler, but you learn.  It was nice to get out and have a dinner outside the house.  We don't do that often and rightfully so.  We have to ensure we don't get sick - so much to do in the next month.

Well, got to get ready for all the BS this morning.

I love you all!


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