O' Come all Ye Faithful... December 1, 2022
25 more days until Christmas! I am certain I will make this milestone. I was listening to Christmas music on the way to work yesterday. I need to find the Patrick Stewart doing Christmas Carol audio book (from his stage show) - it is so good.
I was thinking yesterday that I had a deep believe in Christmas and Catholicism as a kid. I wasn't a trained repeating preacher (you know those little evangelicals taught by their parents to quote the bible at every turn). However, I believed in heaven and hell as well as God, Jesus, and the Devil etc... I used to have dreams about my indiscretions like taking cookies I wasn't suppose to and the devil was coming to get me because of it.
I believed that there was a God in heaven looking over all of us and that Jesus was born to save the world. I felt joy at Christmas as if everyone in the world was thinking about peace on earth and goodwill to men. It took years for me to realize that Christmas is just a day to a lot of people and that "men" are just down right evil to each other.
I don't like talking like that, but it is true. Peace starts with individuals. Even in Christianity we are all given free will. God is not sticking his magical hand into the works to try and make us peaceful and caring. That is our job here on earth and we don't do a very good job of it, myself included. I try at times, but it falls away while I am in other pursuits. Angry because things haven't gone my way, jealous of the success of others, etc... At the end of Emerson, Lake, and Palmer's Father Christmas they say, "the Christmas we get we deserve". That line has run true with me since I was a young man. I've tried to be better about Christmas, tried to make it fun. Big dinners for the family, cool presents when they were younger, and things such as that. I'm just not sure what else I could have done. I guess be more present. I do have that problem of living in my head/imagination. I'll see what I can do this year.
Well, I need to burp the weed and get ready for work (work - sigh).
I love you all!