What a dream I had... Pressed in organdy - September 26, 2022
My birthday is rapidly approaching... I made it. It was a milestone for me when I was told I was sick. This month marks the "6 months" I had to live without treatment. Well, damn it, I am still alive and kicking! And with all my strength, I plan to be here for the next one! I made mistakes, my health, how I took care of my body. I knew what to do, I just chose to do other things.
I was just sitting here trying to think about what I thought about yesterday. I can't remember. I know I played some games, watched some bad streaming media, ate a lot of food (didn't gain any weight). I spent a lot of the day stoned - kept me pretty mellow. It did rain most of the day. I almost pulled in a line from Kathy's Song on that rain comment.
Today we are off to NJ to have my pump serviced, meet with my oncologist, and get some blood tests to see what the chemo did to my chemistry. We are going to try to work this into a day trip in the future so that we don't have to stay overnight in Jersey. I find it funny that Tiffany and I loved just running off to a hotel room for fun back in the day and now I just want to be home. Don't get me wrong, if we were going to Ireland, the west coast, Sierra Nevada's, or the Great Canyon, I'd be all ok with the hotel room. Just tired of hotel rooms for medical reasons - seems like a waste of money. Don't get me wrong - the medical work is necessary. I just want my hotel room to be attached to fun.
Well, I need to get some food in me for this trip.
I love you all!