This is my tune for the taking. Take it don't turn away - September 24, 2022
It is freezing this morning, literally. Not a hard freeze, but there are frost spots. Luckily, I harvested some of the ganja plants (slightly early) to ensure some harvest. Most need a little more time and luckily they didn't frost last night and they all (main branch and some shoots) are still healthy and happy this morning.
I talk a lot about weed in the blog (not as much as I do Tiffany, but she is super hero and deserves the press). I know that, though there shouldn't be, there is some controversy in places about marijuana use. It makes me laugh. This simple thing that I can grow in my nice little raised bed, side of the deck garden has made all the difference in my cancer journey. I am going to bullet it to make my point.
- It makes me hungry and you have no idea how important that is
- When I'm nauseas it takes that right away
- It helps me focus on one thing
- It makes me mellow and less anxious (I'm hyper, need to do something all the time)
- It helps with my evening rest
- It helps me laugh - so very fucking important (you should say that last bit in a Roy Kent voice - If I had put motherfucker than it would have been more of a Samuel Jackson kind of thing)
So as you can see some of the most important things during treatment I can manage with one drug, that I grow, and I know what has gone into it. Now, I am not sure what it does internally, etc... I do know that the first round of chemo shrunk tumors, nearly eliminated the rectal tumor, etc... Maybe the ganja helped with that too?
Have I mentioned how much I love Simon and Garfunkel? Their music (Paul's music?) was so important to me. Folk music was always a big thing to me. I love the idea of protest, admiration, etc... It spoke to me as a kid, the old standards turned into a love of Woody Guthrie, Joan Baez, Kingsman, Peter, Paul, & Mary, Gordon Lightfoot, Dylan, Croce, Carole King, John Denver - I could go on, but at the top of the pile was Simon and Garfunkel. I can't be certain why, radio play, access to the "Bridge over troubled water" LP. I still have that platter - ordered another copy of the original print that played better and had the case and sleeve. I played the hell out of that album and I know every song on that album by heart and regularly sing them in my head during the day. There is a line in El Condor Pasa (If I Could) that has always called out to me.
"A man gets tied up to the ground. He gives the world its saddest sound"
Enough about my love of folk music - I really do love all music. I know some people say that, but I will honestly listen to everything.
Things are going well at home. Today was ostomy bag change day. We don't like it, but we are getting better at it. I am so god damned thankful that I have Tiffany to help me with these things are I would just fold. All the changes in my body and my self-esteem would take its toll if I didn't have someone like her loving me more than I deserve at times.
Maeve was excited to hear my stoma fart last night (I had a hot dog with meat sauce - it was glorious - oh and a non-alcoholic beer - I know how live). At first I was embarrassed, but then I remember Tiffany and I laughing when we first heard it and we know, you have to laugh at these things as the alternative is not good for us.
Well - time to get my food on!
I love you all!