The night sets softly - With the hush of falling leaves - September 21, 2022
You know, my birthday is soon. I honestly had some fear when I was first diagnosed that I wouldn't make my birthday. I was scared. I am now in the I will make it to my next birthday mindset, and the next, etc... I haven't been feeling the best. The type 2 diabetes that came on with chemo has wreaked havoc with me and in the afternoon my head gets swimmy and I can't focus on anything (I generally take a nap). I suppose my body could still be somewhat tired from the surgery. Lord knows the incision line still stings a bit and is very sensitive.
Tiffany continues to be awesome about taking care of me. I got up and put the dogs out myself this morning. I like to be able to let her sleep, I know she is as stressed as I am. This first two months of chemo will be the indicator as how my liver reacts and we both know that it is critical things shrink or disappear. If it doesn't, well let's not talk about that yet.
I am pretty sure this hepatic pump FUDR treatment is wreaking havoc on my red blood cells as I am extremely pale most days and tired. Unfortunately, all of the best foods for iron (like beef) are all on the "probably shouldn't eat it with an ileostomy" list. Fun stuff. They also said that supplementation is not recommended. It is a catch 22 of weakening your body enough for the chemo to kill stuff (hopefully the cancer), but not so much that it actually kills you. Delicate balance.
Well, this post is turning morbid. I think I might get high and go back to bed :)
I love you all!