I'd rather be a spider than a snail... September 20, 2022
Well I feel a bit better this morning. The type 2 diabetes that came on with chemo really messes with me. I have to try and keep on weight, but also control my carb intake. It is menacing... :) I suppose there are worst things I could be dealing with.
All in all, I have lost a lot of weight due to the surgery. Somewhere in the range of 17 more pounds. So overall since I was told I had cancer, I have lost about 30 lbs. I don't think I was fat before (I was obese by the chart, but I have always had a big frame for a smaller man).
Tiffany continues to amaze me on a daily basis. She really is taking care of everything and I have no idea how I will ever repay her for taking care of me. I feel a little guilty as I am not a helpless man and never have been. I have always been one to help with home cleaning, yard upkeep, and everything else. I have always felt that it is my place to be able to do any of the chores in the house.
From a cancer perspective I'm scared. The Sloan oncologist wasn't as confident as before about clearing the liver of cancer so we are back on the wait and see game. I am glad the primary was removed, but it had also spread to a localized lymph node so who knows how many cancer cells I have moving through the lymph node system. I suppose this is why I am going to start a systematic chemo regiment along with the liver pump (HAI).
I still am using my driving thought of there is no tumor :) The rectal tumor had shrunk so significantly that it could no longer be seen in visual inspection (let's not talk about how they visually inspect). That news makes me think that the cancer I have is responsive to chemo. However, I have read a lot about people that great initial response and then boom - things take a turn for the worst.
I have to remain positive and active to keep my energy and spirits high.
Well - late start to the day as we (Tiffany) changed my ostomy bag today - she is amazing.
I love you all