It's a still-life water color... Of a now late afternoon - September 28, 2022

 Well, it is almost my birthday.  A little more than 6 months after an official diagnosis of stage IV colorectal cancer.  I still remember when the oncologist said I had 6 months if I didn't get treatment.  And the local oncologist surgeon telling me to go get a couple Frosty's.  I mean why not just say, "you're gonna die dude, go get some ice cream if you want".  Well, fuck them!  

I have gone from inoperable to primary resection (the colon tumor) and now I am treating the liver cancer directly.  I am by no means safely close to shore, but I can at least see a lighthouse now.  I need to be one of those lucky cases where all of this works.

Surgery recovery has been harder than I expected.  I am used to my body bouncing back from these things, but I still a good amount of pain and not really as mobile as I would like.  I need to get walking more as I think I am retaining fluid in my midsection and that exercise will help.  Lord knows I don't want to take anymore drugs as I too many I am taking now.

Tiffany continues to do everything for me without complaint.  I am so amazed by her.  It is without a doubt that I do not believe I can ever repay her for this, but I will try to love her so much that she understands my gratitude.  I truly wouldn't be where I am in treatment without her.

Had an appointment yesterday and my blood chemistry (my body) handled the first round of strong liver chemo pretty well.  I still had some shitty reaction to the steroid, but I am going to have to live with that.  Beats getting extremely sick on the chemo I guess.  I mean, I think, most would prefer steroid brain fog over constantly being nauseous and throwing up?  We will be starting a new chemo (systemic) type in combination to the liver pump chemo to help with any cancer reestablishment in other parts of my body.  

Well, I am going to try and wake up Tiffany so I can drink some water!  It is only 4AM, but today is ostomy bag change day.  If I drink water now, I will be making a mess during bag change time.  However, I am so damn thirsty as I haven't had anything to drink since 10:30 PM last night and I was pretty dehydrated to begin with due to travelling.

Well, time to go piss off the wife :)

I love you all!


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