Ooga-Chaka Oooga-Ooga... May 4, 2023


I got up at 7:30 this morning.  I didn't go to bed until 11:00 so that might be part of it.  I really have to get back on my normal work schedule.  

I haven't been doing much lately, I am not sure if that helps the liver abscesses heal or whether not exercising slows the healing.  My logic tells me my body needs to reserve energy to help with healing and that if I over-do on the exercise I will weaken my body and it won't heal well.  I needed to start getting calories into me prior to doing too much from an exercise/working standpoint.

Today is Gusty's birthday.  She doesn't have much longer where she will be able to use my health care and I worry about her.  There is no one in her life to step up when she needs it.  Like I stepped up for Tiffany when she needed to retire and help Maeve.  It isn't just income either, there is just not someone to step up to help her with all of life's needs.  Maeve doesn't have anyone either at the moment, but she is younger and has some time.  It is hard to explain to them that Tiffany and I will not be around forever and they will need to either get really great jobs or they will need someone to rely on when needed.  I know that my statements go against the "independent" thought process, but I have found that having two incomes and two adults in the house is a benefit.  I suppose the adults have to get along and care about each other. 

Looking at that above paragraph, I am struck with the thought of , "where does the time go?". Gusty being too old for my insurance?  Just yesterday, she was letting me dress her up as pirates, Indians, and super girl.  And Maeve, she is just my little peanut that fits in my one arm from elbow to hand.  I really don't know where the time went.  I remember little pieces or things, playing with them, putting them to bed, cooking for them, etc...  but the time just seems to have jumped from their teenage years to now.  I know it didn't, but I really was too involved with working and succeeding that I forgot to stop and pay attention.  I suspect that everyone gets to a certain age and looks back wondering why they didn't focus on the things that matter.  Back then, maybe the career and money is what mattered.  I don't mean that it mattered more than the girls.  The point is I may have assumed the girls were good and it was more important for me to work on making sure that every one is taken care of financially (note: Tiffany was working during most of this as well so it goes to the above point that it took the two of us to keep the household going financially).  A cop-out I know, but we did like spending money.  I am not sure where it all went, but I am guessing the girls, expensive food, car payments, house payments, and Disney (there is more, but you get the point).  I suppose we lived a really good life at the time and did/obtained the things we wanted and everything we needed.  I regret none of it.  We would not be at this point and I love my girls, I absolutely adore Tiffany, and I am pretty sure we instilled the most important thing into our children - empathy.  With that empathy, they care about others, they have concern for their neighbors and the world around them.

Well, I am off to make some breakfast.

I love you all!


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