It's such a beautiful night to make a change in our lives... May 18, 2023
My god! I slept so damn well last night! I really feel good this morning. Now, I don't have a huge appetite, but it will come. I really can't remember the last time I slept through the night 9 hours almost straight (got up around 5 to go the bathroom). I need more nights like that. I didn't have weird dreams about cancer and life, I just slept. I don't remember the dreams or anything.
With that said, I feel like me. It has been a long time since I have been able to say that. I woke up with energy and excited to feel refreshed. This was a rare feeling before cancer. I am hoping I can keep this feeling throughout the day. I really wish it was a weekend day and I didn't have to work all day. I could take the day off, but I don't have any paid vacation left so I will need to be sparring about the days off.
I know I seem a little manic from the last few posts to this one, but it is amazing what a good night's sleep can do for you!
Well, I am going to get the dogs their treats and get to making something for breakfast.
I love you all!