Looking from a window above, it's like a story of love... May 19, 2023

 I am still feeling pretty good.  I didn't sleep as well last night as I did yesterday evening, but I still feel good.  I slept in the living room with the dogs.  It was my own fault, I got up to get a snack and Nala got up.  Once she see me, I am sleeping in the living room or she will just bark at the bedroom.

Things are healing from surgery pretty well and I am beginning to settle down from a bowels perspective.  I still can't eat whatever I want, but at least I am not running to the bathroom every 20-30 minutes all day long.  My wounds are healing pretty good and I feel like I would be able to start doing some exercise bike riding and some outside work (did some the last weekend - tired me out, but it was good).  I still get tired pretty fast and I wonder if that is due to all the down time with surgery and winter, etc...  I need to get my ass into some semblance of shape.  Notice I didn't say "fat ass" and that is because I am pretty damn thin.  I am currently hovering between 175 and 180 which is really light for me.  The only place I have fat left is on the bottom of my stomach and other than that I have little fat and very little muscle tone.  I have work to do.

I suspect I will start chemo again at the end of the month.  Maybe he will give me a 2-week break more to get things in order (as we are going in mid-week and that is not our usual time frame).  I will need to find out about surgery and I suppose the scan at the end of the month will help determine that.  I am scared that the chemo won't kill all the liver cancer cells and I will end up getting sicker as they spread through my liver.  So far, following the DR recommendations has worked as I am still on the right side of the grass.

Ok, I need to get to work (dishes and all).

I love you all!


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