Your love, lifting me higher - Than I've ever been lifted before... July 11, 2023


So, I have been blogging, stream of consciousness typing since Feb of 22.  Not a lot of days missed in that time.  Sometimes I was in surgery, others I just didn't get to it, but for the most part daily.  So it has been over a year and a half.  Sometimes it feels like it has gone by fast and other times it feels like it has been a long time.  Either way, it has been tough for everybody.  I try to hide how much my cancer bothers me from my family, but I don't think I do a very good job of it.  Some days I feel really sick (probably the chemo) and others I don't, but it is always in my head that I have cancer.

The good thing is I have such a loving family.  I knew that Tiffany and the girls loved me, but something like this shows you how much and they have truly given me reason to live.  I used to work hard for them, now I survive for them as they want me around.

I don't have a lot to talk about today garden is struggling with bugs/slugs eating the brussels sprout plants, but the grapevine is coming back and the blackberries look good (thus far).  Here is a picture of the baby hydrangea I am putting in the front yard by the porch:

I really do wish I could just retire and take care of the garden, but that is most likely not a possibility and I fear I will be working until at least 65 if I make it that long.  

Well, I need to get some Minecraft in.

I love you all!


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